Jurus Ninja Saga Level 40  

Belum lama keluar jurus level 36, ninja saga mengeluarkan jurus baru lagi ? yaitu ninjutsu level 40
seperti nya ujian jounin sudah tidak lama lagi .
Mari lihat seperti apa aja ninjutsu level 40 ini .

1. Water Shark Swallow ( water element, 160.000Gold )

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Jurus Ninja Saga Level 36  

akhirnya ninja saga mengeluar kan jurus terbaru level 36, Apa kamu sudah level 36 ? kalau belum sabar saja, kalau yang sudah, segera lah membeli nya .
Saya akan memberikan kelebihan dan kekurangan jurus baru ini . segera di simak .

1. Moon Cleave ( wind element, 80800Gold )

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Cara Mendapatkan Chip Poker Texas Holdem Poker Gratis  

Saya akan beri tahu bagaimana cara mendapatkan cip poker dengan gratis
yaitu dengan cara ??

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How to Easily Get invite friend Ninja Saga  

hi new there friend tricks again, this way easy 100% no banned but you still a bit bother to be so, not harmfully his name will also be cheating yes there must be sacrifices.

manner :

you make 6 e-mail new, continue to make   6 facebook new with an using e-mail  your new ,if you've made all, you add to the existing whose application Ninja Saga his continues you add all the new fb into fb long have you.

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Pet Data Ninja Saga  

If you've made it through the Chunin exam. You're going to have a pet that can help you when fighting against enemies. Here you can look like anything from the pet abilities you want to have. Each pet has its own advantages and disadvantages .Nothing is perfect.

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